Thursday, August 4, 2011

Maybe a trail run sometime.

It's August! I've been running exclusively barefoot for two months now, with about 35 miles total for July and individual runs up to 3 miles/5k. Sometimes, the day after a run, my left foot aches a little when I stand too hard on the forefoot. I still have callouses but they are mostly not painful anymore. I've been running every other day or so; sometimes two days in a row, sometimes skip two days. Soles feel a little raw the day after a run, which I'm going to attribute to the rough asphalt around here.

The road surfaces vary quite a bit. There's some fresh pavement on one portion of a road. It is mostly smooth, since it was rollered, but seems a little porous so there is some roughness. The worst is the road right in front our house, which is what the BFRers call chip seal or chip and seal. That's where they spray down liquid tar and immediately follow with coarse sand. They've done that all over but for some reason it's worse for the half mile section nearby. It's especially noticeable since the routes I take have a short, really smooth surface just preceding it.

Anyway, enough about roads. I've been considering checking out some nature trails around here to run on. There's something just down the road, and the former Temple Mountain ski area and Pack Monadnock. There's also a section of the Appalachian trail nearby, but I'm guessing that's not easily runnable. The part near the road looks pretty overgrown. I think I'd have to walk the trail first to see if it's doable. So I guess I'll set a goal of getting out on a trail before the end of this month.

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