Saturday, August 27, 2011

Nails and newts and broken glass, oh my!

I did a 4 1/2 mile run yesterday morning. Feet felt pretty raw afterwards for most of the day, but by the end of the day at work they started to feel normal again. About 3/4 of the way through the run my feet started to feel seriously raw and I was wondering if it was worth it. The wet grass at home felt really good and I walked around in it for a few minutes. For recovery, it seems like just walking around gently helps. Every time I got up from sitting (at work) for a while they seemed to feel more raw than if I walked around for the same amount of time.

I actually saw some broken glass on the side of the road, too, and a rusty nail. The glass looked like bottle glass rather than windshield glass, so the shards may have cut if I stepped on them. It was mostly off the pavement but the few pieces that were on the road were easy enough to spot. So was the rusty nail, which was lying flat so wouldn't have punctured even if I had stepped on it. I have been a ground-looker since forever, though. I was always picking up rocks and things as a kid. Maybe the shoe runners who worry about glass never actually look at the ground.

Also on my runs there are things to watch out for not for my safety but for theirs. The red efts! They are usually motionless in the road and I always wonder if I should help them across. Are the paused because large objects (cars) have gone past and they're waiting for the coast to clear? If I help them across will they just head back out in the road again because that is where they want to be? Maybe they're afraid of broken glass. If I do pick them up will my sweat cause them distress? I pick them up by the tail tip if I do and try to be quick about it. Anyway, they're fellow barefooters so I say, "Hello, fellow barefooters!"

Other BFers I see on my runs are the turkeys, but they have no problems crossing the road except for somtimes they have trouble deciding which way to go.

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