Sunday, August 14, 2011

Beach Run

Let's see, this past week I made it up to 3.88 miles on one run. Feet were okay except afterward there's been a persistent minor pain in the area of the cuboid bone of my left foot--between the fifth metatarsal and the heel. Really minor pain--I only notice it after running and rolling my foot over a wine bottle makes it go away. After that long run I did shorter runs-- around 3 miles-- and one beach run.

We took a day off and went to Salisbury beach on Friday. It was a great day for the beach; a lot of people there and good weather. The water was fairly warm--I could have stayed in a long time. But I did go running and this was my first beach run ever. It was kinda fun dodging people and getting splashed by the surf. It was high tide and the beach at that time was had a fairly steep slope into the water ( more level at low tide) but that didn't seem to matter since the feet sank so much in the sand. I didn't encounter any rocks but the sand was a little on the coarse side. If I had run my usual amount my feet would have been pretty raw. As it was, I ran about 1.3 miles total (as figured on MapMyRun later) and my feet had a good scrubbing--very clean looking afterwards. I was there to relax mostly so I did the run in two parts, one after arriving and one after lunch and in each of those I walked briefly once or twice. I wonder if running on finer sand scrubs the feet as much?

After the beach we spent the night in Salem. Lots of witchy, spooky things to do there, but we went mostly to eat in the old jail. They jail was, until it closed in 1991 (I think) due to inhumane conditions, the oldest operating jail in the US. It has now been converted into apartments or condos and a restuarant called Great Escape. Afterward, walking back to our inn, I had to take off my sandals. They are tolerable for short periods but are tight in the toe area and really annoying when the toes are used to freedom. But the sidewalks and the streets in Salem are really rough. Sidewalks are cement but very gritty on top; some have small pebbles set in and some are just not smoothed over. Probably to combat iciness in winter, so what can you do? What can you do?

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