Monday, July 4, 2011

Monitor Blizzard

So last fall I got a heart rate monitor to use on the elliptical over the winter while my foot healed. I haven't used it so much when running but I started using it all last week while trying to keep my HR down below 150, as mentioned in my last post. It hasn't been much of a problem but there have been occasional "burps" with device in that it sometimes reads about 180 - 210. I figured the strap was slipping down too low or my chest hair was getting long or something. Today it was more than occasional. After five minutes, it pretty much just stayed up high.

Well, I finally decided to get to the bottom of this when it struck me. The numbers I was getting were about the same as the cadence that BFRs aim for. Could it actually be? So I pushed the strap firmly onto my chest and sure enough the rate dropped to what it should be. I did this a few times just to be sure and tightened the strap some too. Still read cadence. I wasn't bouncing much at all but I guess it was enough to interfere with the monitor.

I may use it again to see if swinging my arms affects the rate but I probably won't use it much for running anymore anyway; I'd probably have to keep the strap super tight. I also have a pretty good idea now what my heart rate is compared to how I feel while running. I was breathing only through my nose and my HR got up as high as 170 going uphill, where I maybe had to gasp once or twice, and got back to 158 on level ground or slight downhill. Steeper downhill I've noticed it goes up, from the faster pace I suppose.

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