Monday, July 18, 2011

Barefoot, barefoot, barefoot

I'm up to 7 or 8 miles a week now and have done a few runs of about 3 miles. This is still the slower running I've been doing--about 10 min/mile, and walking some on the uphill sections. There has been some minor discomfort in my left mid-foot again; not during a run, just during the following day if I step too hard on my forefoot. It goes away immediately.

On yesterday's run there was a 1/2 to 3/4 mile section that was being repaved. It had all been dug up and there was what looked like coarse sand mixed with ground up asphalt packed down firmly. That was nice to run on where cars hadn't roughed it up too much.

I've been going about barefoot a lot, sometimes driving to work or other places and putting shoes/sandals on when I get there. I never intended to live the fully barefoot lifestyle but regular footwear is getting really annoying. The only shoes I've been wearing are the Keens without the insole and the NAOTs. The Keens can be a little hot--fortunately there is air conditioning at work or they would be intolerable. The NAOTs are okay but make my little toes curl under a little. Yesterday we went to a cookout--I went BF of course. Out 40 or so other people only one other was BF. I think I was getting some stares at first but nobody said anything. I'm going to say they were jealous and wishing the hadn't committed to shoes. I was amazed/stupefied that there were even some guys who came in jeans and boots, and even one with a long sleeve T-shirt. Temperature was in the 80s.

Also, I've been painting the house BF. It was a little rough up on the roof (very hot) but mostly I could stay in the shade--different level roofs so there was about 12-18 inches of shade to stand in. The tall aluminum ladder was comfortable enough--the tread on the rungs is mostly flat with grooves. The short ladder has closely spaced ridges, not flat ridges, and I had to wear my huaraches on it.

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