Sunday, June 26, 2011

Aerobic Engine Maintenance

I read a really detailed description of aerobic and anaerobic fitness recently here and I'm thinking I could build up my aerobic "engine" more. At the low aerobic threshold you turn fat into energy but you also build up the "mitochondrial machinery" to do even more. The downside is that this is very efficient so you have to exercise a lot longer to burn the same amount of fat. But, by building up the mitochondria, you should be able to raise your threshold so you can run faster and farther. If I understand all this correctly.

So, with that in mind, when I upped my run to two miles yesterday morning I tried to keep my heart rate below 150 (I got a heart rate monitor last fall), which meant alternating about 1.5 to 2 minutes running with .75 to 1 minute walking. At 25 minutes it was a good workout. There were a few times on the hills where it jumped to 160, which are hard to avoid in here in Temple. There's about a 10 second delay in the monitor so I'll just have switch to walking earlier on the uphills. That 150 bpm is probably still a little high but it felt like an easy run so I'll see how it goes.

The slower run was also good for my feet. I had less callous pain the rest of the day. No doubt it will help keep me from overstressing my tendons and bones, too. All the info out there on the web says to take it slow and easy when starting out BF, and it felt to me like I was, but I guess it takes the really nerdy info for that to sink in on me.

Fan update: Went out Friday morning and that same guy passed again, only this time he made the sign through the rear window. It was a sign I'd seen before but didn't know the name of; pinky and thumb extended with the other fingers closed. The shaka sign has several different possible meanings but in this case would be a sign of approval, I guess.

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