Monday, June 20, 2011

The ground is my shoe

Still doing the Mon-Wed-Fri morning runs. Last Monday I had a case of food poisoning from the night before so I figured I'd just make a full deposit first and do a shorter run (1.5 mi). Everything went fine but my callouses were super sensitive the rest of the day and I was so tired I left work a little early, came home and slept for three hours. I must have been distracted enough to not pay much attention to form. Wednesday's run was a little better; my usual run (1.7 mi), callouses still sensitive. Friday I thought out the callous problem and tried not landing so much on the outside of my right foot and lifting my left big toe up a little more before landing. That was much better; callouses still there of course but just some minor soreness. That still leaves my Morton's toe callouses, which were still kind of painful. I should say that even on the really bad days of callous pain, the pain was gone the next day.

This week has been good so far. Monday's run was good. I tried a slightly different mindset. I was thinking something like, "The ground is my shoe and I ease my feet into and out of it with every step." This was an attempt to mitigate the callouses under my middle toes. It felt decent at the time but they were still moderately painful the rest of the day.

This morning I got my first thumbs up! from a passing motorist. Presumably for being bare foot. I haven't gotten any other comments or gestures that I'm aware of and that with greeting all of the people I meet who are also out and about. The run was okay, just trying to relax my feet. Started to get a twingeing tendon just above my inside right ankle about halfway through the run, which seemed to get worse the more I relaxed. Haven't felt that before. Feels fine after the run.

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