Friday, September 16, 2011

An Effortless Run

So last Sunday I finally tried a road I've been avoiding. I thought it would be too narrow with too many cars. Well it wasn't as narrow as I thought and on this Sunday morning between 7 and 7:30 there were only one or two cars. It turned out to be a great 3.8 mile run. The road felt really smooth. It seemed effortless even though that leg of the run was uphill all the way. On the return leg (different road) there was a short section dirt road that I also had avoided. That turned out to be fairly smooth also; almost no rocks on the tire paths, which made it close to firm beach sand. I did have some slight left calf tightness after about 3 miles, but it didn't last long after the run.

So what's the catch? I did the same run on Tuesday morning and it was so-so. It felt like much more work, the road was average smoothness, more gravel bits on the sandy dirt road, and I developed a new hot spot on my right foot--a pre-blister under the fifth metatarsal base (near the cuboid) near the end of the run. It had felt like a blackberry thorn or small cut but I didn't see or brush off anything. All I can figure is Sunday's run was so easy I lapsed in paying attention to form.

But I had been checking my form every few minutes on Sunday--lowering my body, lifting feet before the touch down. It didn't seem like much more than usual at the time. I guess that's all it takes.

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