Monday, September 26, 2011

Bounce Free

Did a 4 1/2 mile run this morning--actually yesterday morning now. It was a good run. Feet were only moderately raw feeling afterwards and that was mostly gone by mid afternoon. Did the same run last Sunday morning but it was cold enough (40F or so) I had to wear the huaraches. No gazelle moment, though.

On Friday morning's run I had a gazelle moment. I should say that on one of the running videos, maybe on the Two Rivers web site, the guys appear to be running effortlessly over stone walls and through fields and such--like gazelles. It was about a 5K run, some dirt road, some modest hills. The last hill, about 1/2 mile from the end, I stopped to walk near the top to keep my heart rate from maxing out. When I started running again, with a fairly steep 3 feet or so more uphill, it seemed effortless, and the moderate downhill from there to home was a breeze. I had been really paying attention to form that run--lifting feet quickly, running low, etc, and afterwards I could feel it in my thighs. My legs were just a little wobbly the first few times going up/down stairs.

The turkeys I encountered on Friday's run seemed like they're getting used to me. Some were on the other side of the road and just moved onto the shoulder. Some ran off ahead of me and into the woods to my left. Perhaps it's obvious to note that there's no bouncing when the turkeys run. If I didn't see their legs they would look like they are gliding.

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