Sunday, October 23, 2011

The cold mornings are here again. Yuck.

So all this month I've been wearing some kind of shoe; either the huaraches or the Zems. The Zems I did once with socks when it as in the upper 30s. That was a tight fit but it might've stretched out the bands a enough to keep them from pushing forward so much. They had felt like my heel was slipping off the back all the time and now that only happens on the up hills. Looking at the soles, though, it doesn't look like they'll last all that long. Maybe that means I have to run with absolutley perfect form. My feet soles seem to have toughened enough to withstand some slight shifting and the skin regrows continually; I guess I can't expect that from the Zems, therefore, perfect form is needed if I want them to last.

The huaraches are doing okay. I wear them with socks to keep my toesies from getting all Reynaud-ic. I think I prefer this to the Zems which make my toes feel a bit cramped, though in both I tend to land a little heavily, I think. My feet seem to be handling that for the most part as long as I give them 1 1/2 to 2 days rest.

Runs haven't been longer than 3.8 miles, mostly because of time. With daylight savings not ending until November 6th this year, the sunrise is not until 7:26 on the 5th. I suppose I could wear something more reflective and just run pre-dawn, but it's hard to get out of bed in the dark. I know, what a whiner; but I'm usually awake--I just use light as the cue to get up. Today I intend to run before dinner and it might get to 60 today. That'll be nice to be bare again.

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